• Description and material: The fireplace is where the pot pasteurizer is securely mounted and heated to reach the pasteurization temperature of the milk. Mode of strong galvanized steel minimum 2.5mm in thickness
  • Body: The body of the firehouse is between 25 and 30 cm in height with a surrounding cylindrical pane to confine the flames and make better use of the energy source. An opening in the front should be enough to introduce the gas burner or the wood as a source of heating energy.
  • Smoke exhaust : A short exhaust duct is fitted at the upper side of the fire compartment ( about 10 cm in diameter and 12-15 cm in length ) The exhaust duct is equipped with a circular flat to control the flow of smoke or burnt gas that is produced.
  • Feet : The fire place is positioned of three shorts evenly space strong feet of the same material about 3.5 cm high